18 Feb 2007

Heading off from London

Despite a wealthy collection of great friends and memories living in old London town, it was past time I took a real lifestyle-break from the usual rat-race for something more random, unpredictable, adventurous and hopefully sunny ;)

With little more than backpack/tent, camera/lens cap, wallet/girlfriend (always a clever combination) plus the odd change of underwear, Nic and I said goodbye to the cold English winter for ... err ... similarly expected temperatures in the southern Patagonian Andes bordering Chile and Argentina (it is the closest continent to Antarctica after all).

So what should we expect? Hopefully it will at least get warmer as we slowly move northwards into Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia and beyond, plus we may see the odd mountain or two in the Andes with possibly a few trees in the Amazonian north too. Personally, I'm fully anticipating 'the unexpected' as all too frequently happens when inclined to explore off the beaten track, however if this blog doesn´t end up too crazy or inspirational for your tastes, just sit back, enjoy the pretty photos and appreciate the dicipline required too update it regularly it whilst on the move :)

That's all for now; stay tuned for more soon ...

- Andrew